September 07, 2007

live-drawing 5-10 minutes

5 Kommentare:

Joe Karg hat gesagt…

Even your quick drawings are so precise. I can't image drawing that tight all the time, but I'm glad you do. I bought your book at San Diego this year from Stuart NG, and I was really happy with it. Can't wait to see more. (Also, sorry if you don't speak English. My German is too terrible to even try.)

Kisel.B hat gesagt…

Der Benji oben sieht wie meine Oma aus....

Benjamin von Eckartsberg hat gesagt…

Gott, Balkandude, muss Deine Oma eine Schönheit sein.Und so saucool obendrein!:-)

Jörn hat gesagt…

Wow, these live-drawings are great. You have a fantastic line! (And patient friends)

Thomas von Kummant hat gesagt…

hey joe

the comic will be translated into english, when the second part is finished - even so the making of book.
i´m glad you like my work.





