Februar 05, 2007

new coverscetch

after long time working on different jobs I made a new coverscetch to come into the mood of the story again.
I use every free minute to work on "La Chronique des Immortels", but it´s always hard to turn over from advertisement or
family entertainment to the dark world of Andrej Delany.

11 Kommentare:

Saskia hat gesagt…

It´s´good to see you blogging again :) I so adore your use of colour and traditional media.
Mir gehen bei den Hintergründen schon die Superlativen aus. Ich bin einfach wahnsinnig gespannt wie die Geschichte weitergeht und großer Bewunderer deiner Arbeit :)))

Kisel.B hat gesagt…

Ola Thomy!
The cover sketch is verry cool...the rest too...;-)

Shelly Wan hat gesagt…

Very happy to find that you have a blog!

Marco Bucci hat gesagt…

Wow - your images are incredibly powerful. Lots here to be inspired by. Thanks!

Thomas von Kummant hat gesagt…

hey saskia
thank you a lot for your nice words. as i have seen on your blog, you are one of the most talented young artists we have here in germany. congratulations for your work. i really hope you will keep going on:-)

thank´s balkandude
i´m very happy you like it, old man;-)

hello shellywan
i just can give it back to you. great paintings on your blog.

hi marcobucci
i´m glad you like my stuff. there are some amazing caricatures on your blog, man!


Tirso Cons hat gesagt…

Hi Thomy!

Great to see actual art for our favourite book!! ^^

The cover sketch really rocks!! You rule, man!
I really like the strength that the cover transmits!

Well, let's wait for more! This is really promising.

Best regards, my friend!


Anonym hat gesagt…

Wow, these are really great, amazing use of colour and composition, brilliant!

Anonym hat gesagt…

hi Thomy, how is the training going? I'll be back soon...
By the way great cover sketch and great color, like always!

SILVIO hat gesagt…

Sehr interessanten arbeit, guten formen und Farben! Benutzt du acryl farbe?
Hast du schon ein verleger für deine arbeit?
Weiter so!

Anonym hat gesagt…

your storyboard artwork posses a stunning quality.
I'm impress

Eric Desideriu hat gesagt…

You know what? The Blog is a fantastic way to catch your progress on the comicbook, while I work in Frankfurt:) The pages are great, I like the colours and the sense of mixture between orient and europe. When I can see the next ones:)? See you next week buddy, Eric